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SU APA LibGuide: Media

APA LibGuide


Motion Picture [APA Manual, p. 209]

 Producer, A. (Producer), & Director, A. (Director). (Year of release). Title of  movie [Motion picture]. 

            Country of origin: Studio.


Caroll, G. (Producer) & Rosenberg, S. (1991). Cool hand Luke [Motion picture]. United States: Warner Bros.


Video [APA Manual, p. 209]

 Producer, A. (Producer), & Director A. (Director). (Year of release).  Title of video [format].  Available from

            Producer name and mailing or web address.


Classroom Productions (Producer). (2008).  Cultural awareness in healthcare [DVD].  Available from



 Podcast [APA Manual, p.210]

 Producer A. or Host, A. (Producer or Host). (Year, Month Day of podcast). Title [format].  Retrieved from

            web address


National Archives (Producer).  (2009, December 22).   Presidential libraries: Johnson and the Great Society. 

       [Audio podcast].  Retrieved from


You Tube Video [p. 23 APA Style Guide to Electronic References, 2007]

 Title of video.  (Year, Month Day). [format].  Video posted to


Star Trek.  (2004, August 26).  [Video File]. Video posted to


Music Recording  [APA Manual, p. 210]

 Musician or Performer, A.  (Year of release).  Song title.  On Title of recording [format].  Place of publication: Publisher.


Sting.  (2009).  Gabriel’s message.  On If on a winter’s night [CD].  Hamburg, Germany: Deutsche Grammaphon.


Online Map [APA Manual, p. 210]

Cartographer name (Cartographer). (Year of publication). Title of map. [format].  Retrieved from web address


Civil War Sites Advisory Commission (2009).  Civil War sites in Georgia.  [Map].  Retrieved from