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SU APA LibGuide: Articles

APA LibGuide

Articles in Print

Journal Article [APA Manual,  p. 198-199]

Author, A. A.  (Year of publication).  Article title.  Title of journal,  Volume(issue), page(s). 


Wilson, L. D.  (2004).  On tests, small changes make a big difference.  Teaching Children Mathematics, 11(3),



Magazine Article [APA Manual, p.200]

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day of publication).  Article title.  Title of magazine, # of

           volume(# of issue), page(s).


Ramirez, J.  (2007, April 16).  How to live a greener life.  Newsweek, 149(16), 82.


Newspaper Article [APA Manual, p.200]

Author, A. B. (Year, Month Day of publication).  Article title.  Title of newspaper,  p. SectionPage.


Brown, R. (2009, December 16).  Long faces ethics complaint.  Dalton Daily Citizen,  p. A1.


Encyclopedia Article [APA Manual, p.203]

Author,  A. (Year of publication).  Entry title.   In A. Editor  & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of encyclopedia  (Vol. #, pp. #).

          Place of publication: Publisher.          


Richelle, M. N. (2001).  Skinner, Burrhus Frederick (1904-1990).  In N. Smelser & P. Baltes (Eds.), International

            encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences (Vol. 21, pp. 14141-14146).  New York, NY: Elsevier.

Articles in GALILEO

Book Article or Chapter from a GALILEO Database   [APA Manual, p.202-203]

Author, A. (Year of publication).  Article or Chapter Title. In A. Editor (Ed.), Title of book: Capitalize the first 

        letter in subtitle.  (pp. #). doi: #


Hobbs, T. (2000).  Physicians should treat alcoholism as a disease.  In J. Torr (Ed.), Current controversies:

            Alcoholism  (pp. 219-223).  doi: EJ3010217217


Article from a GALILEO Database (Digital Object Identifier # available)  [APA Manual, p.198-199]

Author, A. A. (Year of publication).  Article title.  Title of periodical, # of volume(#of issue), page(s).  doi: #


Jackson, S. E.  (2008). Grow your business without leaving your competitive stronghold.  Journal of

             Business Strategy, 29(4), 60-62.  doi: 10.1108/02756660810887006


Article from a GALILEO Database (no Digital Object Identifier available) [APA Manual, p.198-199]

Author, A. A. (Year of publication).  Article title.  Title of periodical,  # of volume(#of issue), page(s).  Retrieved from



Lyons, J. D. (2006).  Winston Churchill and the rhetorical challenges of democratic statesmanship.  Perspectives on

             Political Science, 35(1), 4-13.  Retrieved from